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The German Youth Employment Protection Act lays down certain rules to ensure the protection and safety of children and young people in the world of work. It applies to all persons under the age of 18 who are employed as employees, trainees or in an apprenticeship-like relationship.
The Youth Employment Protection Act specifies all permitted working and rest periods for young people. For example, young people may work a maximum of 5 days with a total of 40 hours per week and must have at least a 60-minute break if they work more than 6 hours per day. Vacation entitlement is staggered depending on the age of the young person.
Section 6 of the Youth Employment Protection Act regulates the conditions under which children and young people may be involved in performances and media productions. For example, children may participate in theater performances from the age of six at the earliest. The time per day is limited to a maximum of four hours (from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.).
Under certain conditions, the participation of children and young people in musical performances, theater performances and similar performances as well as radio and television broadcasts on Sundays or public holidays is permitted under the Youth Employment Protection Act. However, young people must be given time off on another day that is not a day off from work to compensate for this. The five-day week must be guaranteed in this way.
The following applies to events for advertising, recordings for television or radio, on sound or image carriers, film and photo or film recordings:
Children between the ages of three and six may be present for a maximum of two hours a day, between 8 am and 5 pm. The permitted presence at the place of work is limited to four hours.
Children aged six and over may work for up to three hours between 8 am and 10 pm. Children aged six and over may be present for a maximum of five hours a day.
In addition, children and young people may work at dance events, fairgrounds, adventure parks or marquees on a maximum of 30 days a year.
Basically: No. Young people may only be employed between 6 am and 8 pm. However, there are exceptions for agriculture, bakeries and confectioners, the hospitality and show business and multi-shift operations.